30 Days 30 Ways to Overcome Anxiety
citită de Bev Aisbett, Miranda Nation
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From the bestselling anxiety expert, Bev Aisbett, comes a proven and practical workbook to help people manage their anxiety, with simple daily strategies for work and for home. A clear, practical day-by-day workbook, written by experienced counsellor and bestselling author of the classic national bestseller about anxiety, Living with IT, Bev Aisbett, to help people control their anxiety.
Based on many of the exercises Bev has been teaching and writing about for the past twenty years, the book provides clear, simple daily building blocks to help people manage their anxiety and assist in recovery. Designed to be carried in handbags or backpacks as a daily companion, this is a highly approachable, concise, practical, simple and above all proven method of overcoming anxiety.
Bev Aisbett is Australia’s leading author in books around managing anxiety. In 1993, after recovering from severe anxiety and depression herself, Bev turned to her artistic talents to create the first of her ground-breaking illustrated self-help books Living with IT- A Survivor's Guide to Panic Attacks, which rapidly became a national bestseller, with over 200,000 copies sold. In 2013, HarperCollins published the fully revised and updated 20th anniversary edition of this classic book.
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Bev Aisbett

Bev Aisbett, a trained counsellor, is the author and illustrator of 17 highly regarded self-help books for sufferers of anxiety and depression, most notably the national bestsellers Living with It: A Survivor's Guide to Panic Attacks and Taming the Black Dog: A Guide to Overcoming Depression. These titles are distributed to health professionals nationwide and have been sold in English in the UK, US and Canada. In total, her books have been published in eight languages, selling more than half a million copies worldwide. Bev developed a unique recovery program, The Art of Anxiety workshop, designed to educate people about anxiety and provide them with the tools with which to build their own recovery, just as Bev herself has done. Launched in 1998, this program has guided thousands of people in the 'art' of effectively managing anxiety and related conditions. She is also a recognised artist, and her soulful paintings have been regularly exhibited in Victoria and Tasmania. For more information and anxiety resources: bevaisbettartofanxiety.com
Miranda Nation