A New Chick for Chickies
citită de Therese Plummer
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For Chickies life was good. Life was perfect until . . . CRAAACK . . . the Chickies have a new brother! With engaging rhymes and endearing illustrations, Janee Trasler's books are perfect for babies and toddlers to enjoy. Big sisters- and brothers-to-be will be excited to take a cue from the lovable Chickies and cheep for joy when a new baby arrives!
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Janee Trasler

Janee Trasler loves to make kids laugh. Whether she's writing and illustrating books, singing silly songs, or making puppets do their thing, she's going for the giggle. Janee lives in Grapevine, Texas with her husband John, two dogs, two guinea pigs, and a big ol' pile of puppets.
Therese Plummer