Come Fly The World
citită de Andi Arndt
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7h 32m

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Glamour, danger, liberation: in a Mad Men–era ofcommercial flight, Pan AmWorldAirways attractedthekind of young woman who wanted out, and wanted up
Required to have a college education, speak two languages, and possessthepolitical savvy of a Foreign Service officer,ajet-age stewardessserving on iconic Pan Am between 1966 and 1975 also had to be between 5′3" and 5′9", between 105 and 140 pounds, and under 26 years of ageatthetime of hire.Cooke’s intimate storytelling weaves togetherthereal-life stories of a memorable cast of characters, from small-town girl Lynne Totten, a science major who decided life in a lab was not for her, to Hazel Bowie, one oftherelatively few Black stewardesses oftheera, asthey embracedtheliberation oftheir new jet-set life. Cooke brings to lightthestory of Pan Am stewardesses’ role intheVietnam War, astheairline added runs from Saigon to Hong Kong for planeloads of weary young soldiers straight fromthebattlefields, who were off for five days of R&R, andthen flownback to war. Finally, with Operation Babylift—thedramatic evacuation of 2,000 children duringthefall of Saigon—thebook’s special cast of stewardesses unites to play an extraordinary role ontheworldstage.
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Julia Cooke

JULIA COOKEis a journalist and travel writer whose features and personal essays have been published inTime,Smithsonian,Condé Nast Traveler, andSaveur.She is the author ofThe Other Side of Paradise:Life in the New Cuba. The daughter of a former Pan Am executive, Cooke grew up in the Pan Am “family,” a still-strong network across the globe. She lives inVermont.
Andi Arndt