Do the Work

de Gary John Bishop

citită de Gary John Bishop

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2h 11m

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Despre Do the Work carte

Based on the life-changing lessons from the New York Times bestseller that has sold more than a million copies, a practical, hands-on guide that helps you do the work you need to change your life.

In Unfu*k Yourself, Gary John Bishop inspired people to put his words into action to help them transform their fu*king lives. While millions of fans have read and embraced the messages in the book , Bishop knows it can be hard to actually take the next step and do the necessary work. Written in his no nonsense, tough-love voice, Do the Work is the kick in the ass you need to get moving and create the life you want. By drilling down into the three categories of self, people, and purpose, he helps us identify and remedy the primary problems and challenges that frustrate and often cripple us.

Filled with new material, Do the Work expands the lessons in Unfu*k Yourself, giving us the tools to identify, explore, and understand our specific issues and root them out. As Bishop make clear, “this is a personal workshop for your brain, a legit resource where you can work your life out, what matters to you, whats going to make the biggest difference and empower you to act in ways that make some palpable change to the direction your life is currently taking.”

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Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop este unul dintre experții de prim rang din domeniul dezvoltării personale. Este autorul cărții Unfu*k Yourself, bestseller New York Times, precum și al titlurilor Gata cu tâmpeniile și Do the Work. Abordarea sa de tip „filosofie urbană" reprezintă noul val în transformarea personală pozitivă și arta de a trăi, care asigură oamenilor rezultate miraculoase în ceea ce privește calitatea vieții și performanțele obținute.


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