Grow Up

de Gary John Bishop

citită de Gary John Bishop

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Despre Grow Up carte

The New York Times bestselling author of Unfu*k Yourself now helps us cut through our anxieties about being a “good parent” so we can take charge of our lives and show our kids how to take charge of their own. start.

Gary John Bishop has helped millions of people break free of self-sabotaging behaviors. Yet we all seem to feel like we’re failing at this thing called parenting. Common wisdom isn’t working—our kids are struggling. Gary argues we don’t need more tips, tricks, and techniques, we need an overhaul of who we are. We’re never going to measure up to the “perfect parent” model we’ve built up in our heads—a Frankenstein version of mom and dad cobbled together from our childhoods, our parents, cultural ideals, social media, and everything in between.

We want to be good parents, but our pasts hold us back. If you’re thinking: “I can’t be a good parent because I had a shitty childhood, bad parents, or a traumatic experience”—stop! Let go of what came before and start taking action in the present to be the person that nurtures their child from a place of love, forgiveness, and integrity. By doing so, you are modeling and equipping your kids to confidently face the world and thrive.

Whether you are a parent, want to be a parent, or simply have parents, this book will cut to the heart of who you are and how you show up in the world—to fully take charge of the direction of your life and show your kids how to follow theirs.

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Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop este unul dintre experții de prim rang din domeniul dezvoltării personale. Este autorul cărții Unfu*k Yourself, bestseller New York Times, precum și al titlurilor Gata cu tâmpeniile și Do the Work. Abordarea sa de tip „filosofie urbană" reprezintă noul val în transformarea personală pozitivă și arta de a trăi, care asigură oamenilor rezultate miraculoase în ceea ce privește calitatea vieții și performanțele obținute.


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