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A deeply moving and revealing chronicle of thechallenges and breakthroughs that come from a whollynew practice of one-hour, one-time-only sessions, from one of the most prominent psychotherapists of our time
Facing memory loss at age ninety-three as well as the fallout from a global pandemic that moved much of daily life online, legendary psychotherapist and bestselling author Irvin D. Yalom was forced to vastly reconsider the shape of his sessions with patients. Rather than throw in the towel in the face of change, Dr. Yalom considered head-on the limitations imposed by these new realities and revolutionized his practice. Turning his focus to what might be achieved in a one-hour, one-time-only meeting between patient and practitioner, Dr. Yalom employed an even more concerted use of his “here and now” approach.
In Hour of the Heart, Yalom recounts some of these intense, life-changing sessions, exploring an array of human predicaments and his own late-career development as a therapist. In recounting these consultations, he shows how a therapist’s willingness to be open helps patients let down their own guards, leading to a deeper and more immediate connection—one necessary to achieving profound realizations in just sixty minutes. This vulnerability led Yalom to disclose details about his personal life that he might previously have kept hidden from patients, including his traumatic childhood in Washington, DC, the evolution of his thinking about philosophy and psychotherapy, and the recent death of his wife. Throughout, he pushes the boundaries of self-revelation as a therapeutic tool.
Life is precious and our time together short. Written in collaboration with his son, Hour of the Heart shows us how to relate to each other better in the moment, with more honesty and vulnerability. That hour of connection, occurring during a time of isolation and grief for so many, helped to sustain both patient and therapist, and enriched Yalom’s vision of what psychotherapy can do.
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Irvin D. Yalom
IRVIN D. YALOM s-a născut la 13 iunie 1931, la Washington, într-o familie de emigranţi ruşi. Deşi fascinat de literatură, alege o carieră medicală, la presiunile familiei, singura concesie pe care o face vocaţiei sale umaniste fiind specializarea în psihiatrie. Devine un eminent psihoterapeut, publicând numeroase lucrări de specialitate, cele mai cunoscute fiind The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (1970), tradusă în douăsprezece limbi, şi Existential Psychotherapy (1980), dar şi volume de povestiri: Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy (1989) şi Momma and the Meaning of Life (1999). Debutul său ca romancier cu Plânsul lui Nietzsche (When Nietzsche Wept, 1992; Humanitas, 1995, 2006) suscită entuziasmul publicului şi al criticii, devenind bestseller internaţional şi primind în 1993 The Commonwealth Club of California Gold Medal pentru cel mai bun roman. Minciuni pe canapea (Lying on the Couch, 1996), cel de-al doilea roman pe care îl semnează, este o radiografie a relaţiilor care se pot naşte între terapeut şi pacient şi a consecinţelor acestora. Inspirat tot de universul fascinant al psyché-ului, Minciuni pe canapea reafirmă vocaţia şi originalitatea artistică a lui Yalom, fapt confirmat şi de publicarea operelor sale de ficţiune în douăzeci de ţări. În 2005 i-a apărut cel de-al treilea roman, The Schopenhauer Cure. În prezent, Yalom este profesor emerit de psihiatrie la Stanford University, California. |