Our Mutual Friend
citită de Paul Scofield
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"Our Mutual Friend", Dickens' last complete novel, gives one of his most comprehensive and penetrating accounts of Victorian society. Its vision of a culture stifled by materialistic values emerges not just through its central narratives, but through its apparently incidental characters and scenes.
"Our Mutual Friend", Dickens' last complete novel, gives one of his most comprehensive and penetrating accounts of Victorian society. Its vision of a culture stifled by materialistic values emerges not just through its central narratives, but through its apparently incidental characters and scenes. The chief of its several plots centres on John Harmon who returns to England as his father's heir. He is believed drowned under suspicious circumstances - a situation convenient to his wish for anonymity until he can evaluate Bella Wilfer whom he must marry to secure his inheritance. The story is filled with colourful characters and incidents - the faded aristocrats and parvenus gathered at the Veneering's dinner table, Betty Higden and her terror of the workhouse and the greedy plottings of Silas Wegg.
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Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens (1812–1870) a fost un scriitor englez reprezentativ pentru realismul secolului al XIX-lea, fiind considerat și azi un romancier clasic datorită operelor sale nemuritoare: Marile speranțe, Aventurile lui Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Documentele postume ale clubului Pickwick, Nicholas Nickleby etc. De-a lungul vieții sale, a scris la diverse ziare și a făcut numeroase turnee de promovare a romanelor sale în Anglia, dar și în Statele Unite (unde a incriminat sclavia, pledând pentru educație, libertate religioasă și egalitate în fața legii).
Paul Scofield