citită de Gary John Bishop
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Despre Sanity carte
What a time we’ve been living through. 2020, and now 2021, have thrown us a curveball in the form of a global pandemic, and it seems like we’re all going a little nutty right now, doesn’t it? Perhaps you’ve noticed feeling a little more on edge, in general and with each other, or feeling angry, resentful, fearful, or just plain unsettled.
We could all use a little Sanity right now.
Gary John Bishop’s newest audio original takes on three hot-button topics that seem to be flooding the media headlines, our social media newsfeeds, and our conversations with friends and family: conspiracy, upheaval, and pandemic. In this timely and important book, Gary will shine the light on each topic to provide new ways of understanding how they might be operating in our lives, and how we can take control.
This is about getting you to a place of sanity, a place where you're no longer gripped or triggered when the latest conspiracy theory flits across your screen, or the world seems to be turning upside down and you can’t do a thing to change it. Instead, you can put yourself in a place where you are functional and powerful, and navigating these testing times and coming out the other side with a little more peace.
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Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop este unul dintre experții de prim rang din domeniul dezvoltării personale. Este autorul cărții Unfu*k Yourself, bestseller New York Times, precum și al titlurilor Gata cu tâmpeniile și Do the Work. Abordarea sa de tip „filosofie urbană" reprezintă noul val în transformarea personală pozitivă și arta de a trăi, care asigură oamenilor rezultate miraculoase în ceea ce privește calitatea vieții și performanțele obținute.