Stop Doing That Sh*t

de Gary John Bishop

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4h 41m

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Despre Stop Doing That Sh*t carte

From the author of the New York Times and international bestseller Unfu*k Yourself Gary John Bishop presents a no-holds-barred guide to breaking through our cycles of self-sabotage to get what we want out of life.

In Unfu*k Yourself, Gary John Bishop told us it was time to stop making excuses– to recognize and take responsibility for the negative self-talk holding us back.

In Stop Doing That Sh*t, he builds on that message, teaching us how to stop self-sabotaging behavior. Bishop explains how our destructive cycles come down to the way that we’re wired. He then identifies different types of people and the ways we fu*k ourselves over: We can’t save money. We land in the same type of toxic relationship. We’re stuck in a rut at work. Analysing why we act the way we do, including what our common grenades are that blow up our lives, Bishop then shows how we can interrupt the cycle and stop self-sabotaging our lives.

Written in the same in your face style as Unfu*k Yourself, Stop Doing that Sh*t will help us get in touch with our psychological machinery so we learn to interrupt negative thoughts and behaviour before they start, allowing us to give our attention to something else, and start to find success in the areas we thought we never could.

We can take back our lives. We may have fu*ked up in the past, but Stop Doing That Sh*t will show us how to break the patterns in order to live the lives we yearn to have.

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Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop este unul dintre experții de prim rang din domeniul dezvoltării personale. Este autorul cărții Unfu*k Yourself, bestseller New York Times, precum și al titlurilor Gata cu tâmpeniile și Do the Work. Abordarea sa de tip „filosofie urbană" reprezintă noul val în transformarea personală pozitivă și arta de a trăi, care asigură oamenilor rezultate miraculoase în ceea ce privește calitatea vieții și performanțele obținute.


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