The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
citită de Al Ries, Jack Trout
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The authors have distilled their 40-plus years of marketing expertise to provide the key to today's competitive marketplace, showing you what makes some products inordinately successful while others fall by the wayside.
Good for a beginner
Al Ries

Al Ries and his daughter and business partner Laura Ries are two of the world's best-known marketing consultants, and their firm, Ries & Ries, works with many Fortune 500 companies. They are the authors of The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding and The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR, which was a Wall Street Journal and a BusinessWeek bestseller, and, most recently, The Origin of Brands. Al was recently named one of the Top 10 Business Gurus by the Marketing Executives Networking Group. Laura is a frequent television commentator and has appeared on the Fox News and Fox Business Channels, CNN, CNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, and others. Their Web site ( has some simple tests that will help you determine whether you are a left brainer or a right brainer.
Jack Trout

Authors Al Ries and Jack Trout are probably the world's best-known marketing strategists. Their books, including Marketing Warfare, Bottom-Up Marketing, Horse Sense, and Positioning have been published in more than fifteen languages and their consulting work has taken them into many of the world's largest corporations in North America, South America, and the Far East.
Jack Trout

Authors Al Ries and Jack Trout are probably the world's best-known marketing strategists. Their books, including Marketing Warfare, Bottom-Up Marketing, Horse Sense, and Positioning have been published in more than fifteen languages and their consulting work has taken them into many of the world's largest corporations in North America, South America, and the Far East.