The Postman Always Rings Twice
citită de Stanley Tucci
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2h 50m

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Despre The Postman Always Rings Twice carte
An amoral young tramp. A beautiful, sullen woman with an inconvenient husband. A problem that has only one, grisly solution -- a solution that only creates other problems that no one can ever solve.
First published in 1934 and banned in Boston for its explosive mixture of violence and eroticism, The Postman Always Rings Twice is a classic of the roman noir. It established James M. Cain as a major novelist with an unsparing vision of America's bleak underside, and was acknowledged by Albert Camus as the model for The Stranger.
Performed by Stanley Tucci
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James Cain

One of the most celebrated and notorious crime writers of all time, JAMES M. CAIN launched his career with the publication of two back-to-back masterpieces—The Postman Always Rings Twice and Double Indemnity—selling millions of copies worldwide and inspiring classic movies. Cain continued with an unmatched run of noir novels including Mildred Pierce which inspired both the Academy Award-winning film starring Joan Crawford and the Emmy-winning HBO miniseries starring Kate Winslet. Cain died in 1977.
Stanley Tucci

Stanley Tucci este scriitor, producător, actor și regizor. A jucat în 12 piese pe Broadway și nu numai, în peste 70 de filme — printre care Diavolul se îmbracă de la Prada, Julie & Julia și Jocurile foamei — și a apărut în nenumărate emisiuni TV. A regizat 5 filme, a fost nominalizat la un premiu Oscar, la un premiu Tony și la un premiu Grammy pentru cel mai bun album vorbit. A câștigat două premii Golden Globe și patru premii Emmy.