The Testament of Caspar Schultz
citită de Greg Wagland
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4h 40m

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Somewhere in Germany was hidden a manuscript that would rock Western Europe to its foundations: the testament of Caspar Schulz.
Once a prominent Nazi, and long believed to be dead, Schultz could soon be hailed as the author of the most shattering confessions ever to make print.
Paul Chavasse, British Intelligence's toughest trouble-shooter, was hired to track the former Nazi down and secure the manuscript. But he soon discovered that he wasn't the only one who wanted to get his hands on the book. And some of his rivals would go to any lengths – including murder – to get it.
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Jack Higgins

Jack Higgins lived in Belfast till the age of twelve. Leaving school at fifteen, he spent three years with the Royal Horse Guards, and was later a teacher and university lecturer. His thirty-sixth novel, The Eagle Has Landed (1975), turned him into an international bestselling author, and his novels have since sold over 250 million copies and been translated into sixty languages. Many have been made into successful films. He died in 2022, at his home in Jersey, surrounded by his family.
Greg Wagland