Wise as Fu*k

de Gary John Bishop

citită de Gary John Bishop

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Compelling and straight-shooting wisdom for coping with whatever challenges life throws at us from the New York Times bestselling author of Unfu*k Yourself.

In Unfu*k Yourself, Gary John Bishop taught millions of readers how to silence the negative, self-sabotaging voice in their head to thrive. In Wise AF, he expands on his ideas, redefining what it means to be wise and showing how to tackle problems and improve our lives and those of others.

When the shit storms of life hit us, many of us don’t know what to do—whether it’s losing a job, suffering a broken heart, or just feeling a lack of purpose. We need wisdom to help us navigate forward. While the internet is full of seemingly good advice, it isn’t helping us actually change our lives.Wise As Fu*kbreaks through the bullshit, providing insight to inspire us in the four areas we need it most: love, loss, fear, and success.

Written with his widely admired no-nonsense style,Wise As Fu*kprovides a welcome fresh perspective to help us transform how we approach a variety of life’s problems. But Bishop makes clear, the work doesn’t stop there. Now that you’ve unfu*ked yourself and and are wise as fu*k about these touchy areas, you can apply the lessons to make a positive impact on the world.

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Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop

Gary John Bishop este unul dintre experții de prim rang din domeniul dezvoltării personale. Este autorul cărții Unfu*k Yourself, bestseller New York Times, precum și al titlurilor Gata cu tâmpeniile și Do the Work. Abordarea sa de tip „filosofie urbană" reprezintă noul val în transformarea personală pozitivă și arta de a trăi, care asigură oamenilor rezultate miraculoase în ceea ce privește calitatea vieții și performanțele obținute.


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